First Aid Policy
First Aid Policy
September 2023 - September 2025
Agreed: October 2023
Headteacher: Mrs L Wilmer
Chair of Governors: Mrs C Sellers
Review date: October 2025 (unless Government guidelines alter)
Policy for First Aid
At Co-op Academy Friarswood we are committed to safeguarding children through all we do, we endeavour to provide the very best possible care for our pupils in the school. All of the teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors are first aid trained in order to deliver the care to the children.
The main First Aiders in school: Miss B Goodwin & Mrs L Wilmer
All staff are emergency first aider trained
All early years staff and the Headteacher are paediatric first aid trained
Where is the First Aid Room and Equipment?
The first aid room is located next to the main office on the infant side of the corridor. The first aid equipment and place for administering for first aid is in the first aid room. All children are brought to the first aid room for treatment when necessary. There are first aid kits in all classrooms as well as the First Aid room.
Miss R. Goodwin will order the first aid equipment and ensures that the first aid cupboard and first aid boxes are correctly stocked.
For all incidents, staff will follow recommended procedures from the First Aid training.
Disposable gloves and aprons should be worn when dealing with all accidents. Blood/soiled dressings and used gloves/aprons should be disposed of in the yellow bin in the first aid room.
An up-to-date list of children’s medical conditions, asthma etc are kept in separate folders in the first aid room and in the relevant classrooms.
For minor accidents the child should have the wound cleaned and dressed then sent back out to play or back to the classroom.
For more serious accidents such as bump on head or eye, a bump note will be completed, with a duplicate for parents to keep. The other duplicate is kept in school. Serious accidents which cause concern, parents are informed straight away, then parents can either come and check their child for themselves and take them home to monitor them or agree that they can stay in school. We do encourage parents to take children home to be monitored with any serious bump on the head.
Any major accidents will be recorded in the major first aid book and parents will be informed. They will also receive a duplicated bump note. These accidents will be reported on the Trust’s Health & Safety portal so that they can be monitored by the Health & Safety Leads of the Trust.
Accidents during lunchtimes
A member of the lunchtime staff will bring the child into the first aid room and the member of staff on first aid duty will deal with the accident. Any serious accidents will be dealt with by the senior first aider.
Accidents in the classroom
If an accident happens in the classroom, then the teaching assistant in that classroom will deal with the child. Again any serious accidents will be dealt with by the senior first aider. If there is no teaching assistant, then one of the office staff will be called for by another child.
Off site activities
In the first aid room there are travel first aid kits already made up for taking on trips. Staff will also take resources to deal with sickness. If there has been an incident off site, staff will inform parents on return to school. If it is a serious accident, the office will be contacted by a member of the staff off site. The office staff will then contact parents.
Residential activities
If an accident is serious, parents will be informed immediately. Minor accidents will be recorded as usual and parents informed as soon as the child returns to school.
Dealing with Emergencies
In an emergency, the member of staff will deal with the child/adult. The school office or another member of staff will call for an ambulance and contact the child’s parents. A member of staff will accompany a child to the hospital if the parents have not arrived in time. The member of staff will take necessary documents with them.
Good hygiene practice
All children and adults are encouraged to wash their hands after going to the toilet, before eating or handling food.
All classrooms have hand sanitisation bottles for the children/adults to use after coughing or sneezing or cleaning their nose with a tissue which should be disposed of straight away.
All spillages of blood and body fluids should be cleaned up immediately using blue paper towels, spillage compound must be used and then put into a yellow bag and put into the yellow bin in the first aid room. GLOVES AND APRONS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES.
Soiled children’s clothes and nappies must be put into a bag and sent home that day, ensuring parents are informed.
Sanitary towels and tampons should be placed in the bins provided.
Administration of Medicines and Individual Healthcare plans
See ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions’ policy
Forest schools
Forest School Leader is Forest School First Aid trained. All activities are carried out under the supervision of the Forest School leader according to the forest school risk assessments and procedures. The Forest school leader ensures that the first aid kit is always present at Forest schools sessions and the burns kit is present when fire is used. Any accidents or injuries are reported in accordance with the first aid policy
At all times, staff must follow the safeguarding and child protection policy. Should any concerns be raised regarding the child or the nature of the incident, staff must contact the DSL (Mrs B Hartley) or the DDSL (Mrs L Wilmer).
Miss Goodwin monitors the bump notes each term and reports to the Headteacher about any patterns or concerns. Any concerns or patterns are discussed and remedies are put into place by necessary staff.
The Headteacher reports concerns to the Academy Governing Council (ACG) on a termly basis.
The ACG must ensure that the arrangements are put in place and that they are sufficient to meet their statutory responsibilities and should ensure that policies, plans, procedures and systems are properly and effectively implemented.
All people will be treated equally including those within the nine protected characteristics.
Co-op Academy Friarswood is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people / vulnerable adults. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.