Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management Arrangements
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Policy adopted by Governing Body: October 2023
To be reviewed: October 2024
Signed by Headteacher: Mrs L Wilmer
Signed by Chair of Governors: Mrs C Sellers
Statement of Intent
Co-op Academy Friarswood recognises that it has responsibilities for the health and safety of the workforce whilst at work and others who could be affected by our work activities. We will assess the hazards and risks faced by our workforce in the course of their work and take action to control those risks to an acceptable, tolerable level.
Our Local Governing Council and the senior leadership team are made aware of their responsibilities and required to take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety, health and welfare of our workforce and anyone else likely to be affected by the operation of our business.
Co-op Academy Friarswood intends meeting its legal obligations by providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment so far as is reasonably practicable. This will be achieved by;
∙ providing leadership and adequate control of identified health and safety risks;
∙ consulting with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
∙ providing and maintaining safe equipment;
∙ ensuring the safe handling and use of substances;
∙ providing information, instruction, training where necessary for our workforce, taking account of any who do not have English as a first language;
∙ ensuring that all workers are competent to do their work, and giving them appropriate training; ∙ preventing accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
∙ actively managing and supervising health and safety at work;
∙ having access to competent advice;
∙ aiming for continuous improvement in our health and safety performance and management through regular (at least annual) review and revision of this policy; and
∙ the provision of the resources required to make this policy and our health and safety arrangements effective.
Co-op Academy Friarswood also recognises its duty to co-operate and work with other employers when we work at premises or sites under their control to ensure the continued health and safety of all those at work; and its duty to co-operate and work with other employers and their workers, when their workers come onto our premises or sites to do work for us, to ensure the health and safety of everyone at work.
To help achieve our objectives and ensure our employees recognise their duties under health and safety legislation whilst at work, we will also remind them of their duty to take reasonable care for themselves and for others who might be affected by their activities.
1. Success Indicators
The school has a Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy which:
- Provides an overview of the school policy on health, safety and wellbeing.
- Outlines the arrangements the school has in place for health, safety and wellbeing.
- Assigns roles and responsibilities to key staff in the school.
- Is monitored and reviewed regularly by senior leaders.
2. Overview
All schools are required to have a Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy in place.
The School’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy should be developed by the Headteacher, members of the School Leadership team in conjunction with the Local Governing Council/Trust/Academy Board.
3. Employer responsibilities
Where the school’s board of governors is the direct employer of school staff (such as in Academies, Trust Schools, Foundation Schools and Voluntary Aided (VA) Schools) the school must have a Health and Safety Policy in place to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act. This can be in any format.
Where a County Council is the employer of school staff, such as in Maintained or Community Schools, Voluntary Controlled (VC) or Short Stay Schools it is recommended that schools use the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy template to develop their Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy.
4. Day to day management of Health, Safety and Wellbeing
The organisation and arrangements which support the H,S and W Policy (day to day management of Health & Safety) are the responsibility of the Headteacher and the School Senior Leadership Team (supported and monitored by the Local Governing Council).
Note that the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations requires employers to appoint one or more competent people to support their management of health and safety. This may be done by appointing an external provider to provide this advice.
5. Occupiers Liability
Regardless of the status of the employer, all school governing bodies have health and safety responsibility as the occupier of the premises and therefore must take steps to ensure that the premises are managed effectively to reduce risk to those using, entering or accessing the premises at any time for any reason.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Co-op Academy Friarswood
The policy has 5 parts;
Part A - Introduction
Part B - The Health and Safety Policy Statement / Statement of Intent
Part C - Management Arrangements
Part D - The detailed arrangements & procedures for Health, Safety and
Wellbeing within the school.
Part E - Register
LW ~ Lindsey Wilmer (Headteacher, DDSL)
BH ~ Bev Hartley (Assistant Headteacher, DSL)
DG ~ Darren Gidman (Premises Assistant)
SS ~ Sarah Sharman (PE / RSHE lead)
AD ~ Angela Dean (Admin and Attendance Officer
SBM ~ School Business Manager (Jane Bithell)
DB ~ Duncan Bagnall (Entrust Senior Property Surveyor)
DE ~ Diane Enderby (Senior Cleaner)
BG ~ Becky Goodwin (Lead first aider)
This policy records the local organisation and arrangements for implementing the policy.
Policy Statement of Intent
The requirement to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees is acknowledged and Co-op Academy Friarswood Governing Body and those in control of the school recognise and take responsibility for compliance with the statutory duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
The Governing Body will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that:
- all places and premises where staff and pupils are required to work and engage in school/academy activities are maintained in a condition which is safe and without risk to health. (This includes the health and safety of persons on the premises or taking part in educational activities elsewhere.)
- all plant and equipment is safe to use and that arrangements exist for the safe use, handling and storage of articles and substances at work.
- appropriate safe systems of work exist and are maintained.
- sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is available and provided to ensure that staff and pupils can avoid hazards and contribute in a positive manner towards their own health and safety and that of others.
- a healthy working environment is maintained including adequate welfare facilities.
In addition to the above the school will ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable that the health and safety of other non-employees is not adversely affected by its activities.
Employee involvement is an important part of managing safety, and consultation on health and safety with employees and employee representatives form part of this policy.
This policy statement and the accompanying organisational arrangements supersede any previously issued.
Management Arrangements
The following procedures and arrangements have been established within our school to eliminate or reduce health and safety risks to an acceptable level and to comply with minimum legal requirements:
Competent Health and Safety Advice
The school/academy obtains competent health and safety advice from Trust H&S advisor - Carol Mitzi - 07957284085
In an emergency we contact: Nick Lowry and Carol Mitzi – numbers below
Occupational Health - Health Assured (through Co-op Academies Trust) - Speak to Lindsey Wilmer for Occupational referrals. See ‘Colleague portal’ for more information
ThinkWell - 01785 276284
Trust Staff
Nick Lowry: Chief Education Officer email M:07967638913 or 01782 971501
Carol Mitzi (H&S Lead) email M: 07957284085
Monitoring Health and Safety
Name of person(s) responsible for the overall monitoring of health and safety in school: | Mrs L Wilmer (Headteacher) SBM - School Business Manager (Jane Bithell) |
Our arrangements for the monitoring of health and safety are:
H&S Governor (Mr Adrian Colerick) to take part in premises walks (as much as possible / at least termly) Minutes are presented to Local Governing Council every term. Actions are monitored. | |
The school carries out formal evaluations and audits on the management of health and safety (frequency). | |
The last audit took place | Date:8.12.22 By: Angela Burman (Trust / Gallagher) |
Name of person responsible for monitoring the implementation of health and safety policies | Mrs Wilmer (Headteacher) Mr Colerick (H&S Governor) Mr Gidman (Site Supervisor) |
Workplace inspections: | Name of person who carries these out : |
Building / water / grounds | Mr Gidman |
First Aid / bump notes | Miss Goodwin |
Trips / residential visits | Mrs Hartley & Mrs Wilmer |
Classroom / External Risk Assessments | Teacher for each class Mrs Wilmer |
Detailed Health and Safety Arrangements
Accident Reporting, Recording & Investigation
Our arrangements for recording and investigating: (for pupils, staff and visitors) Any recordings in the Accident Book must be referred to LW. |
Pupil accidents (more than a graze): Complete bump note. Parent to sign. School keep a copy and parents keep a copy. Head injuries – parents are phoned. Any concerns; parents are called immediately. If necessary, call 999. Serious injuries are recorded in the Accident book and then passed to LW. To record on Parago. |
Staff accidents: Accident Book completed. LW to record on Parago. If necessary, call 999. |
Visitor accidents: Accident Book completed. LW to record on Parago. If necessary, call 999. |
The person responsible for reporting accidents to the Health and Safety Trust Lead (under RIDDOR) is: LW |
Our arrangements for reporting to the Governing Body or Academy Board are: Report termly to Premises / H&S Committee |
Our arrangements for reviewing accidents and identifying trends are: BG reviews bump notes termly to address and notify staff of any trends. |
Any serious accident or injury to, or death of, any child while in the care of Co-op Academy Friarswoo, must notify the Trust, Staffordshire Children’s Advice & Support (SCAS) and Ofsted and act on any advice from those agencies |
Name of Premises Manager responsible for Managing Asbestos. | SBM Mrs Jane Bithell | |
Location of the Asbestos Management Log or Record System. | Main entrance outside of Headteacher’s office | |
Friarswood is signed up to Entrust Property Service which includes access to Entrust Asbestos Team support, and this includes regular visits to update asbestos register/re surveys. | ||
Our arrangements to ensure contractors have information about asbestos risk prior to starting any work on the premises are: Mr Bagnall (Entrust Senior property surveyor), SBM or DG meet all contractors to discuss. Hazard Exchange and Intrusive Work assessment forms are completed where relevant. | ||
Our arrangements to ensure all school staff such as class teachers or cleaners have information about asbestos risk on the premises: LW puts the H&S information onto the weekly agenda. | ||
Staff must report damage to asbestos materials to: | SBM AD DG | |
Staff must not drill or affix anything to walls without first obtaining approval from the premises manager. |
Name of SLT member who is responsible for communicating with staff on health and safety matters: | LW |
Our arrangements for communicating about health and safety matters with all staff are: Information sent via email. H&S updates on weekly agenda. Staff meetings. | |
Staff can make suggestions for health and safety improvements by: Discussing with SLT, at the staff meeting or through email. |
Construction Work *See also Contractor Management
Name of person coordinating any construction work / acting as Client for any construction project. | DB (Entrust Property Services) SBM |
Our arrangements for managing construction projects within the scope of the Construction Design and Management Regulations are: DB (Entrust Buildings & Premises Manager) Duty holders will be identified and named as part of any Construction project. | |
Our arrangements for the exchange of health and safety information / risk assessments/safe working arrangements/monitoring are: DB, SBM & whole staff if necessary | |
Our arrangements for the induction of contractors are: Mr Bagnall to discuss H&S / Mr Gidman | |
Staff should report concerns about contractors to: SBM or LW | |
We will review any construction activities on the site by: DB / SBM |
Name of SLT member who is responsible for consulting with staff on health and safety matters: | LW |
The name of the Trade Union Health and Safety Representative is: | None |
Our arrangements for consulting with staff on health and safety matters are: Information sent via email. H&S updates on weekly agenda. Staff meetings | |
Staff can raise issues of concern by: Discussing with SLT, at the staff meeting or through email. |
Contractor Management
Name of person responsible for managing and monitoring contractor activity | DB (Entrust Senior Property Surveyor) SBM |
Our arrangements for selecting competent contractors are: Through Entrust and/or through Trust approval | |
Our arrangements for the exchange of health and safety information / risk assessments/safe working arrangements/monitoring are: DB / Jane Bithell | |
Our arrangements for the induction of contractors are: DB & DG | |
Staff should report concerns about contractors to: SBM orLW |
Curriculum Areas – health and safety
Name of person who has overall responsibility for the curriculum areas as follows: e.g. Science PE | Maths – Mrs Hartley English – Mrs Rafferty Science – Miss Coleman PE – Mrs Sharman RSHE – Mrs Sharman RE – Mrs Harris Geo – Mrs Dickens History - Mrs Sharman Computing – Mrs Hartley MFL – Mrs Hartley SENDs – Mrs Dickens Art – Mrs Williams DT - Miss Coleman |
Risk assessments for these curriculum areas are the responsibility of: | As above Each teacher keeps their classroom risk assessment up to date. |
Display Screen Equipment use (including PC’s, laptops and tablets)
The school assesses the risk of the use of computers/laptops by carrying out a DSE assessment for staff using this type of equipment continuously and regularly for over an hour. | |
Our arrangements for carrying out DSE assessments are: Staff complete online assessment annually | |
Name of person who has responsibility for carrying out Display Screen Equipment Assessments | LW / AD / SBM |
DSE assessments are recorded and any control measures required to reduce risk are managed by | Name as above |
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Name of person who has overall responsibility for EYFS | LW |
Our arrangements for the safe management of EYFS are: Teachers to keep up to date risk assessments for variety of activities. Share this information with all staff. |
Educational visits / Off-Site Activities
Name of person who has overall responsibility for Educational Visits | BH LW |
The Educational Visits Coordinator is | BH |
Our arrangements for the safe management of educational visits: Staff use EVOLVE |
Electrical Equipment [fixed & portable]
Name of person responsible for arranging Fixed Electrical Wiring Tests and taking any remedial action required: | SBM |
Fixed electrical wiring test records are located: | SBM Office |
All staff visually inspect electrical equipment before use. | |
Our arrangements for bringing personal electrical items onto the school site are: Equipment must be PAT tested. | |
Name of person responsible for arranging the testing of portable electrical equipment (PAT): | SBM |
Name of person responsible for defining the frequency of portable electrical equipment (PAT) testing: | SBM |
Portable electrical equipment (PAT) testing records are located: | SBM Office |
Staff must take defective electrical equipment out of use and report to: | SBM |
The portable electrical equipment on the school site owned and used by contractors is the responsibility of the contractor, who must provide records of this if requested. |
Fire Precautions & Procedures [and other emergencies incl. bomb threats]
Name of competent person responsible for undertaking & reviewing fire risk assessment in addition to any associated action planning | Mr Adrian Owens completed the Fire Risk assessment for the Trust LW DG ) |
The Fire Risk Assessment is located …… | Headteacher’s Office |
When the fire alarm is raised the person responsible for calling the fire service is | LW, SBM or AD |
Name of person responsible for arranging and recording of fire drills | DG & LW |
Name of person responsible for creating and reviewing Fire Evacuation arrangements | LW, DG & AD |
Our Fire Evacuation Arrangements are published … | Every class |
Our Fire Marshals are listed | LW AD BG SS |
Results of the testing and maintenance of fire equipment and installations is recorded in a Fire Log Book located at | Site Supervisor’s Office |
Name of person responsible for training staff in fire procedures | LW |
All staff must be aware of the Fire Procedures in school |
First Aid *see also Medication
Name of person responsible for carrying out the First Aid Assessment | BG |
The First Aid Room is located | Next to main office |
First Aiders are listed | All staff have basic, up to date, first aid training. The below have paediatric first aid training; Mrs Wilmer Miss Goodwin Mrs Dean Mrs Bebbington Mrs Elkin Mrs Rushton Mrs Tagg Miss Johnson All of Small & Tall Care Club staff |
Name of person responsible for arranging and monitoring First Aid Training | SBM |
Location of First Aid Box | All classrooms First Aid Room Member of staff on playground duty takes first aid box with them. Lunchtime supervisors take first aid box with them. |
Name of person responsible for checking & restocking first aid boxes | Teachers BG – First Aid room |
In an emergency staff are aware of how to summon an ambulance | |
Our arrangements for dealing with an injured person who has to go to hospital are (who is contacted/ who accompanies staff or children to hospital): | |
pupils | Pupil information sheet sent with paramedic. Parents contacted after ambulance is contacted |
staff | Next of kin contacted after ambulance is contacted. Medical information / envelope sent with paramedic |
visitors | Contact next of kin or workplace |
Our arrangements for recording the use of First Aid are: Bump notes for children. 1 copy to parent, 1 copy in school file Accident book for adults or serious injuries with children |
Forest School – Not Applicable
Name of person in school who leads on Forest School activity | J.Williams |
Our arrangements for developing, organising and running Forest School activity. Forest school activities are planned for by Forest School lead (fsl) in accordance with the Forest school routines and risk assessments Include here any details with regard to risk assessment: Risk assessments and safety procedures have been created by the forest school lead specifically for our learners and the tools we have access to. communication Forest school Leader communicates with parents to ensure they are informed of the activities being carried out and to ensure learners come to school properly equipped supervision. Forest school leader has been assessed and passed the level three forest school qualification, Headteacher supervises plans, procedures and risk assessments are followed |
Glass & Glazing
The vast majority glass in doors and side panels are constructed of safety glass or filmed to required standard. The rest of the glass is deemed as low risk. | |
All replacement glass is of safety standard | |
A glass and glazing assessment took place in 2014 and the record can be found in: | School Office |
Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
Name of person responsible for carrying out risk assessment for hazardous substances (COSHH Assessments) | LW / DE |
Our arrangements for managing hazardous substances (selection, storage, risk assessment, risk control etc.) are: Cleaning products are kept locked in the Cleaners room, cleaners have required training on usage of these. All staff are aware of hazard risks of the use of these products in classrooms. Products in classrooms: staff speak to children (frequently) about safe use of products. (glue, paint, soap). Hazardous substance risk assessment sheets are displayed in all classrooms. These are added to, should there be other products in use. |
Health and Safety Law Poster
The Health and Safety at Work poster is located: | Staff room |
Housekeeping, cleaning & waste disposal
All staff and pupils share the responsibility for keeping the school site clean, tidy and free from hazards | |
Our waste management arrangements are: DG to take school waste to bins. Kitchen staff to take waste to bins | |
Our site housekeeping arrangements are: Mr Gidman – Premises Supervisor Mrs Enderby – Cleaning Supervisor Mrs Hayes & Mrs Bithel – Cleaners Kitchen staff (Midshires) in charge of own cleaning | |
Site cleaning is provided by: | In house cleaners Kitchen – Midshires |
Cleaning staff have received appropriate information, instruction and training about the following and are competent: | |
work equipment | |
hazardous substances | |
Waste skips and bins are located away from the school building. | |
All staff and pupils must be aware of the arrangements for disposing of waste and the location of waste bins and skips. | |
Staff in all Depts. who generate waste (e.g. catering/cleaning/curriculum areas) must be aware of the risk assessments and control measures in place for their role. |
Infection Control
Name of person responsible for managing infection control: | DG LW / AD |
Our infection control arrangements (including communicable diseases/hand hygiene standards) are: Soap in toilets and classrooms Hand gel in main entrance and offices If any disease / outbreak of illness is observed, SCC/ Environmental Agency are informed. School to make parents aware of any spreading infections in order to help stop the spread. All sickness, diarrhoea and temperature cases – children must have 48 hours clear of last symptoms before coming back into school. |
Name of Premises Manager or member of Leadership team responsible for Lettings | SBM |
Our arrangements for managing Lettings of the school building or external premises are: See Lettings Policy on the website | |
The health and safety considerations for Lettings are considered and reviewed annually. | |
Hirers have in place their own risk assessments, first aid arrangements/ fire procedures and emergency procedures. | |
Hirers are responsible for obtaining the necessary local authority licenses for their activities and these must be provided to the school on request. | |
Hirers must provide a register of those present during a letting upon request. |
Lone Working
Our arrangements for managing lone working are in the policy All staff must inform a member of the SLT along with a member of their family if they will be lone working with a reason for why this is necessary. Staff must have a mobile phone with them. |
Maintenance / Inspection of Equipment (including selection of equipment)
NOTE Types of equipment to consider in this section: Ladders and steps (inspection by DG and record kept and noted on Parago), other extraction systems (Kitchen – Midshires), PE equipment (serviced by Mercury Sports Equipment, and playground checked and record kept by DG & SBM) , fire alarm and smoke detection (serviced as part of SCC contract), emergency lighting (serviced as part of SCC contract), fire extinguishers (serviced as part of SCC contract). | |
Name of person responsible for the selection, maintenance / inspection and testing of equipment | DG SBM DE and Midshires |
Records of maintenance and inspection of equipment are retained and are located: | Cleaner’s kitchen and SBM office |
Staff report any broken or defective equipment to: | DG SBM |
The equipment on the school site owned and used by contractors is the responsibility of the contractor, who must provide records of testing , inspection and maintenance if requested. |
Manual Handling
Name of competent person responsible for carrying out manual handling risk assessments | DB with contractors |
Our arrangements for managing manual handling activities are: LW to remind staff regularly about manual handling procedures. Posters in all staff rooms. | |
Staff must be aware of the requirement to avoid hazardous manual handling and carry out risk assessment where the task cannot be avoided. Staff can access the quick reference chart here. | |
Staff who carry out manual handling must be aware of the manual handling risk assessment and the control measures in place for the task. | |
Staff are trained appropriately to carry out manual handling activities. | |
Where people handling takes place an Individual Manual Handling Plan must be in place and communicated to all parties (including where appropriate the young person/their parents/carers/support staff). |
Name of person responsible for the management of and administration of medication to pupils in school | The member of staff who signed the medication form. |
Our arrangements for the administration of medicines to pupils are: See policy | |
The names members of staff who are authorised to give / support pupils with medication are: | All staff |
Medication is stored: | First aid room |
A record of the administration of medication is located: | First aid room |
Pupils who administer and/or manage their own medication in school are authorised to do so by their parent and Headteacher. They are provided with a suitable private location to administer medication/store medication and equipment. At present, the only self-medication is inhalers by some children. These children have a care plan in place which is shared with the necessary staff. | |
Staff are trained to administer complex medication by the school nursing service when required. | |
Our arrangements for administering emergency medication (e.g. Asthma inhalers/Epi pen) are: School Nurse | |
Staff who are taking medication must keep this personal medication in a secure area in a staff only location. | |
Staff must advise the school leaders if they are taking any medication which might impair their ability to carry out their normal work. |
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (links to Risk Assessment)
PPE is provided free of charge where a risk assessment identifies this is needed to control a risk and the risk cannot be controlled by another means. | |
Name(s) of person responsible for selecting suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for school/academy staff. | Name; DG, SBM and DE |
Name of person responsible for the checking and maintenance of personal protective equipment provided for staff | DG and Mrs DE SBM |
Name(s) of person responsible for selecting suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for pupils. | Class teachers |
All PPE provided for use in a classroom environment is kept clean, free from defects and replaced as necessary. | |
Name(s) of person responsible for cleaning and checking pupil PPE. | Class teachers |
Radiation - NA
Name of the school/academy Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) | NA |
Name of the Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) | NA |
Reporting Hazards or Defects
All staff and pupils must report any hazards, defects or dangerous situations they see at school. |
Our arrangements for the reporting of hazards and defects: Report to DG or SBM Report in Site staff defect book located in main office |
Risk Assessments
The school has in place risk assessments for any identified significant risk. Control measures which are put in place to eliminate or reduce risk are communicated to staff, pupils and other who may be exposed to the risk. | |
Risk assessments are in place for the following areas: Staff can find these in the staff shared drive Risk Assessments Curriculum / classrooms Hazardous activities or events Fire Risk Assessment Risks related to individuals e.g. health issues Hazardous Substances Manual handling activities Lone Working Teacher / Teaching Assistant / Office workers | |
Name of person who has overall responsibility for the school risk assessment process and any associated action planning | Mrs Wilmer |
Our arrangements for carrying out, recording, communicating and reviewing risk assessments are: Review regularly, at least 1 x per year | |
Appropriate training is provided for staff who are creating, reviewing or implementing risk assessments. | |
When an accident or incident occurs a post risk assessment takes place when a new hazard has been identified. | |
Risk assessments are created or reviewed when something new is introduced or a change has occurred. |
No smoking or vaping is permitted on site / grounds. |
Shared use of premises/shared workplace
Name of Premises Manager or member of Leadership team responsible for Premises Management | SBM DG – site supervisor |
The school premises are shared with another organisation (e.g. Contract caterer/public leisure centre). | Midshires |
Our arrangements for managing health and safety in a shared workplace are: AiP have their own risk assessments which are shared with the school Any deep clean / visitors etc are confirmed with SBM |
Stress and Staff Well-being
Name of person who has overall responsibility for the health and wellbeing of school staff | LW |
All staff have responsibility to take care of their own health and wellbeing and the school supports staff to do this by implementing the following arrangements: Making environment safe Ensuring water is available Weekly H&S reminders / agenda Sharing all H&S issues with staff Training staff appropriately (CPD opportunities) Working in partnership with parents to avoid behaviour issues Ensuring teachers have PPA time Staff surveys are acted upon and supported by risk assessment Risk assessments are reviewed regularly (Teacher / Teaching Assistant / Office workers) Occupational Health referrals Confidential support phone numbers for stress / issues / concerns linked with either work or home Online wellbeing portal (Colleague portal) Flu immunisations Co-op Trust staff benefits display in staff rooms
| |
Solutions to stress hazards and suggestions on how to minimise stress have been identified, discussed and communicated. | |
All staff have an opportunity to contribute to discussions, meetings and initiatives around wellbeing issues at work. | |
Individual stress risk assessments take place when a member of staff requires additional individual support. | |
A team stress risk assessment has been completed involving all staff and this is reviewed regularly. |
Training and Development
Name of person who has overall responsibility for the training and development of staff. | LW |
All new staff receive an induction which includes health and safety, fire procedures, first aid and emergency procedures. | |
Our arrangements for carrying out suitable and sufficient health and safety training for all staff are: Safeguarding training for all staff Emergency procedures discussed First aid training for all staff Fire extinguisher training for all staff Working at height training for site staff Any other relevant training suitable for position in school | |
The school has a health and safety training matrix to help in the planning of essential and development training for staff. | |
Training records are retained and are located with each member of staff | |
Training and competency as a result of training is monitored and measured by: | LW SBM |
Name of person who has overall responsibility for managing the grounds / trees | Name: SBM |
Our arrangements for carrying out tree inspections: Friarswood has a contract with Country Grounds. They visually check the trees during their regular visits. They carry out a full tree inspection every 3 years or earlier if there are concerns. | |
Staff inform SBM / Mr Gidman if they see an issue, such as broken off branches | |
Records of inspections are held in the SBM office and on Parago |
Vehicles owned or operated by the school (N/A)
Name of person who has overall responsibility for the school/academy vehicles | Name |
The school/academy operates (no.of xx) minibus/coaches/cars/other vehicles (e.g. quad bikes/ride on mowers). | List |
Name of person who manages the driver medical examinations | |
Name of person who manages the vehicle license requirements | |
Name of person who undertakes vehicle checks such as oil, water and routine roadworthiness. | |
Name of person who arranges servicing and maintenance of the academy vehicles | |
Our arrangements for the safe use of school/academy vehicles are: |
Vehicle movement on site
Name of Premises Manager responsible for the management of vehicles on site | DG LW |
Our arrangements for the safe access and movement of vehicles on site are (include restriction on vehicle movement at certain times, speed limits, segregation vehicles from pedestrian areas, restrictions on reversing vehicles, special arrangements for deliveries etc): Safe defined pedestrian route in/out of school No vehicle access to the main entrance during in the morning when children arrive and no access at hometime UNLESS : Emergency vehicle Staff car Letters to parents are sent regularly regarding safety both on and off site (ie Abbots Way and side access road) |
Violence and Aggression and School Security
The school provides a place of work which is designed and managed to minimise the risk of violence and aggression to staff, pupils and visitors. | |
A risk assessment is carried out where staff are at increased risk of injury due to their work. | |
Training, information and instruction is available to staff to help them manage the risk of violence and aggression where required. | |
Staff and pupils must report all incidents of verbal & physical violence to: | LW BH |
Incidents of verbal & physical violence are investigated by: | LW BH |
Name of person who has responsibility for site security: | DG |
Our arrangements for site security are: External gates are locked in the evening when DG locks the building. They are opened at 7:30am for access, locked at 8:50am (start of school). They are reopened at 3:10pm when all of the children are back in the building. Visitors must press the buzzer to the office before being allowed on site. All visitors must sign the visitor book. If the visitor is unknown, a member of staff must stay with the visitor at all times. If the visitor has had a DBS check and is known to staff, they can then be independent in the school. CCTV also on site |
Water System Safety
Name of Premises Manager responsible for managing water system safety. | DG |
Name of contractors who have undertaken a risk assessment of the water system | IWS (through SCC central contract) |
Name of contractors who carry out regular testing of the water system: | IWS (as above) |
Location of the water system safety manual/testing log | Cleaner’s kitchen |
Our arrangements to ensure contractors have information about water systems are: Log book kept in school/DG liaises | |
Our arrangements to ensure all school staff carrying out checks or testing or maintenance have information about the water system: DG records temperatures and manages issues immediately. (supported by SBM) |
Working at Height
Name(s) of person responsible managing the risk of work at height on the premises: | DG |
Work at height is avoided where possible. | |
Our arrangements for managing work at height are: Work with more than one person. Only use school ladders. Open and secure ladders before using them. Ask DG to complete the job in hand. | |
Appropriate equipment is provided for work at height where required. | |
Staff who carry out work at height are trained to use the equipment provided | |
Work at height equipment is regularly inspected, maintained and records are kept (Kept Cleaner’s Kitchen) |
Work Experience
Name of person who has overall responsibility for managing work experience and work placements for school pupils. | AD LW |
Our arrangements for assessing potential work placements, arrangements for induction and supervision of students on work placement are: Complete risk assessment provided by placement Member of staff working with student must discuss safety procedures, safeguarding procedures, logging in & out procedures. | |
The name of the person responsible for the health and safety of people on work experience in the school premises: | Member of staff student is with |
Our arrangements for managing the health and safety of work experience students in the school/academy are: Complete risk assessments from placement before student attends placement. |
Name of person who has overall responsibility for managing/coordinating volunteers working within the school: | Class teacher |
Volunteers are considered as a member of staff and all health and safety arrangements including induction, completion of safeguarding/confidentiality form and training must apply. The member of staff who has asked for the volunteer must go through this information with the volunteer. |
E. Health and Safety Audit - carried out annually
- It is important that school leaders, governors and managers can monitor the health and safety performance of their school in order to determine where progress is being made and where further actions and resources may be required. Key actions from the audit will be shared electronically to all staff or to necessary staff.
The school’s audit and action plan can be found in Mrs Wilmer’s office.
- This policy will be shared with all staff via email. Staff will be asked to sign electronically to confirm that they have read and understood this policy. (See below)
All people will be treated equally including those within the nine protected characteristics.
Co-op Academy Friarswood is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people / vulnerable adults. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.