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News and Letters

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  • Newsletter - February Week One

    Published 10/01/25

    Dear Families,


    Year 5 Gymnastics
    Five of our Year 5 girls took part in a gymnastics competition against some other Co-op Academy Trust primary schools.  After several weeks of practising, the girls finally got to show off their talents on the vault and by performing a floor routine.  They were amazing and won gold in the overall school competition.  A huge well done to Peggy, Marcie, Amelia, Sofia and Jessica.  An extra special well done goes to Peggy who won gold in the individual floor routine and silver place overall and to Emilia who won individual  bronze in the vault. 


    Spelling Bee Competition
    Today Stanley, Ines and Henry from Year 6 have travelled to Manchester to compete against other Co-op Schools in a Spelling Bee. They were brilliant throughout, and although they didn’t win this time, they can all be very proud of their superb efforts, because we certainly are! 


    Bob Marley Singalong
    It was lovely to see many of you yesterday at our singalong. It was such a joyous half an hour with everyone getting in the spirit! The children were fantastic, showing a real love of music and some great dance moves. Thank you to Mrs Elkin and the choir for leading us!


    Time to Talk 
    It was also lovely to see so many Mums, Dads, Grannies and Grandads at our Time to Talk coffee and cake event before the singalong. Thank you to Mrs Hughes for organising and running the afternoon - it was a super opportunity for new families to build connections and our existing families to have a catch-up. #FriarswoodFamily 


    Time to Walk and Talk
    For Time to Talk Week, Mr Linley-Simon, our Academy Community Pioneer, organised a Walk and Talk in our local area, looking for the signs of new life now that spring is approaching. Thank you to everyone who joined him, and we hope you had a good chat whilst seeing what the new season has in store for us. 

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer

    Upcoming dates 

    Safer Internet Day  11.2.25

    Valentine’s Disco


    EYrs & KS1 4:30

    KS2 5:30

    February Half Term

    17.2.25 - 21.2.25

    Back to school 24.2.25

    World Book Day


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  • Newsletter - January Week Four

    Published 20/12/24

    Dear Families,

    The Trust has put some information together to clarify the role and responsibilities of what we used to call Governors.  There has been a change to the structure in all schools of the Co-op Academy Trust.  Each school / academy will have an Academy Community Council (ACC).  The members of this are called Community Council Members (CCM).

    What does an ACC do?

    As part of our local governance team, as a CCM, you will:

    •Support academy planning and key strategic priorities.

    •Champion student and staff wellbeing, and promote positive behaviour and attendance.

    •Strengthen links between the school and the local community.

    •Monitor outcomes for vulnerable groups and ensure policies translate into practice.

    •Help shape career opportunities for students.

    •Promote Co-op values within the academy.


    GoIT - Year 6
    On Wednesday, a group of three Year 6 children went to Manchester to present their A.I. eco project in front of a team of judges.  Lots of other Co-op Academy primary schools were there too, all competing for a place in the national finals.  Although the girls didn’t win, they were so confident with their presentation.  They had lots of positive feedback recognising their efforts and forward-thinking, as well as a huge round of applause.  Myself and Mrs Bebbington were so proud of them.  Well done to Emyllia, Ava and Francesca. 


    Young Voices
    The choir had a wonderful day yesterday at the Young Voices concert in Birmingham.  Many schools were there to perform in the concert.  The excitement was palpable.  Our children were incredible, singing their hearts out.  My ears are still ringing today from the volume of over 5000 children singing (and screaming)!

    A massive thank you to Mrs Elkin, our music lead, for organising this and making it happen.  Her enthusiasm and dedication to music across the school is incredible, always ensuring the children have lots of opportunities to take part in musical events.   Also, a huge thank you to Mrs Dickens and Miss Smith for supporting in all of the rehearsals and arrangements.  

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer


    Happy Birthday
    This weekend Mrs Wilmer is celebrating a very special birthday - the school council surprised her this morning with some beautiful flowers off us all and a special rendition of "Happy Birthday".

    Happy Birthday, Mrs Wilmer - enjoy your weekend!



    Upcoming events

    Children's Mental Health Week 3.2.25



    Reception trip 3.2.25 Reception class visiting Morrisons for Food around the world.
    Walk and Talk 3.20 - 4.30 pm 5.2.25 Join our Academy Community Pioneer for a local walk in The Three Parks looking for the new growth of spring. Everyone welcome!
    Time to Talk Day

    Parents Coffee and Chat time 2–2.45 PM 
    (this will lead to the Young Voices Sing-along)


    Young Voices Choir Singalong  2.45 PM 6.2.25

    Come and join us for the Young Voices live sing-along 
    in the hall with our choir.


    Yr 6 Manchester Spelling Bee 7.2.25 A group of Year 6 children are going to Manchester for a ‘Spelling Bee’ competition. 
    Safer Internet Day  11.2.25  

    Valentine’s Disco


    EYrs & KS1 4:30

    KS2 5:30

    February Half Term

    17.2.25 - 21.2.25

    Back to school 24.2.25

    World Book Day


    Read More
  • Newsletter - January Week Three

    Published 20/12/24

    Dear Families,


    Year 6
    As you will know, Year 6 went to Stanley Head Outdoor Education Centre at the beginning of the week.  We had such a fantastic time.  The children showed off their amazing talents, from archery and rifle shooting to walking across high ropes and weaselling.  Thank you to all of the children for challenging their fears and encouraging each other to take part in all the activities.  

    Next week is a busy week in school, so please check out the events so you don’t miss anything.  Those children going to Young Voices in Birmingham, please make sure you have lots of food to get you through the day and evening!

    Children’s Mental Health Week
    The week beginning Monday 3rd February is Children’s Mental Health Week.  Throughout the week, the children will be taking part in a variety of activities to support their wellbeing.  This will be additional to the ongoing activities which we teach about throughout the whole year.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer


    Upcoming events


    Yr 5 Gymnastics


    28.1.25 Group of Yr 5 children going to gymnastics

    Yr 6 Manchester GoIT competition


    29.1.25 Group of Year 6 children are going to Manchester for the GoIT competition.

    Young Voices - Choir


    Choir at the NEC Birmingham
    Children's Mental Health Week 3.2.25



    Reception trip 3.2.25 Reception class visiting Morrisons for Food around the world.
    Walk and Talk 3.20 - 4.30 pm 5.2.25 Join our Academy Community Pioneer for a local walk in The Three Parks looking for the new growth of spring. Everyone welcome!
    Time to Talk Day

    Parents Coffee and Chat time 2–2.45 PM 
    (this will lead to the Young Voices Sing-along)


    Young Voices Choir Singalong 2.45 PM 6.2.25

    Come and join us for the Young Voices live sing-along 
    in the hall with our choir for 'Bob Marley Magic'


    Yr 6 Manchester Spelling Bee 7.2.25 A group of Year 6 children are going to Manchester for a ‘Spelling Bee’ competition. 
    Safer Internet Day  11.2.25  

    Valentine’s Disco


    EYrs & KS1 4:30

    KS2 5:30

    February Half Term

    17.2.25 - 21.2.25

    Back to school 24.2.25

    Read More
  • Newsletter - January Week Two

    Published 20/12/24

    Dear Families,


    Year 3 swimming
    Year 3 had a brilliant start to this term’s swimming lessons.  All the children were swimming without any swimming aids, which I think is a first for this time of year.


    Year 6 Residential
    On Monday, Year 6 will be going on their residential trip.  Fortunately, the weather looks like it will be dry.  Don’t forget to pack lots of layers and socks!

    Some online safety information for parents

    For Parents - How to Deal with Online Scams

    Continuing the theme, ParentZone have put together a very simple but really useful webpage guide for parents which would be worth sharing. You can find the guide HERE.


    For Parents - Free Webinar - Supporting Neurodivergent Children in the Online World

    This one is definitely worth sharing with your parents. Internet Matters are putting on a free webinar (29th January) for parents and carers of neurodivergent children and young people who enjoy gaming online. Registration is required and I'm sure some teachers/support staff will find it interesting too. See HERE for more information.


    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer


    Upcoming events

    Year 6 - Stanley Head residential


    Monday to Wednesday

    SEND Coffee morning - 9 AM 22.1.25

    Come and join Mrs Dickens, our SENDCO and an advisor
    from Caudwell's Children to get advice and further information on any concerns you may have about your child.

    Young Voices - Choir


    Choir at the NEC Birmingham
    Children's Mental Health Week 3.2.25



    Time to Talk Day

    Parents Coffee and Chat time 2–2.45 PM 
    (this will lead to the Young Voices Sing-along)


    Young Voices Choir Singalong   2.45 PM 6.2.25

    Come and join us for the Young Voices live sing-along 
    in the hall with our choir.


    Safer Internet Day  11.2.25  

    Valentine’s Disco


    EYrs & KS1 4:30

    KS2 5:30

    February Half Term

    17.2.25 - 21.2.25

    Back to school 24.2.25

    World Book Day


    Read More
  • Newsletter - January Week One

    Published 20/12/24

    Dear Families,


    I hope you’ve all managed to stay safe in the snow and ice.  The children have had a great time playing out on the fields.


    We have started a slightly different approach to lunchtimes due to a variety of reasons.  The main reason is that there are fewer children in the hall at one time.  The hall is very echoey and at times it can sound very loud in there.  By having a couple of classes at a time, the children have said it feels much calmer.  Children have less distractions now so they can focus on eating.   The new approach also allows for some time with the teacher before afternoon lessons get going to discuss anything they need to talk about.  So far, it seems to be working well. 


    Year 3 swimming starts on Friday 17th January.  It will run for 10 weeks with the last session for the term on Friday 28th March.  

    Please can you ensure that the children bring woolly hats to wear after their lesson, as their cold hair will feel freezing in this weather.


    Families in need of some support
    Just a reminder that we have toiletries, hygiene products and cleaning products available for any families who you may know of that would like a bit of help or who may need help.  We also have pyjamas and socks (brand new) along with some bedding.

    This support is for anyone you may know; yourselves, family members, neighbours or work colleagues.  Just pop in to see me or Mrs Hughes (or send a message).


    Safeguarding Leads
    Just a reminder that both myself and Mrs Hartley are the safeguarding leads in school.  If you have any concerns about a child, please let us know.  You can do this by talking to us, sending us a message or by using the ‘report a concern’ button on the school website.  If you need to speak directly to Staffordshire Children Safeguarding Service, the number is 0300 111 8007 (out of hours 0345 604 2886).  For emergencies, please contact the police straight away.


    Have a lovely weekend.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer


    Upcoming events

    Year 6 - Stanley Head residential


    Monday to Wednesday

    SEND Coffee morning - 9 AM 22.1.25

    Come and join Mrs Dickens, our SENDCO and an advisor
    from Caudwell's Children to get advice and further information on any concerns you may have about your child.

    Young Voices - Choir


    Choir at the NEC Birmingham
    Children's Mental Health Week 3.2.25



    Time to Talk Day

    Parents Coffee and Chat time 2–2.45 PM 
    (this will lead to the Young Voices Sing-along)


    Young Voices Choir Singalong   2.45 PM 6.2.25

    Come and join us for the Young Voices live sing-along 
    in the hall with our choir.


    Safer Internet Day  11.2.25  

    Valentine’s Disco


    EYrs & KS1 4:30

    KS2 5:30

    February Half Term

    17.2.25 - 21.2.25

    Back to school 24.2.25

    World Book Day





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  • Friarswood choir adds elegance and prestige to key event

    Published 05/12/24

    On Friday 29 November 2024, our school choir performed at the opening of the Co-op Academies Trust Recognition Awards, in front of almost 300 people.

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  • Early Years Team collect a trophy at special awards ceremony

    Published 05/12/24

    The Early Years Team at Friarswood won a special award at the Co-op Academies Trust Recognition Awards on Friday at the historic King’s Hall in Stoke-on-Trent.

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  • Newsletter ~ October Week Four

    Published 18/10/24

    Dear Families,


    We’ve reached the end of our first half term of the year and it’s been very successful. We’ve had lots of visitors coming in to either look around the school or to look at the children’s work, all have been very positive.


    Harvest Festival
    Thank you to everyone who supported the donations to Alice Charity.  We had an abundance of donations, which was fantastic.  These will be gratefully received by people who are really struggling.  Thank you so much for your kindness.


    Hallowe’en Disco
    What a spooktacular evening!  The children had lots of fun and the pumpkins were amazing.  There were some amazing creations.  Thank you to everyone who took part in the pumpkin carving competition and to everyone who helped out on the night.  All of the funds raised go directly to the children to support with the extras in school.  One of the biggest PTA expenses is helping to fund transport for the trips in order to help parents financially.  So thank you.


    Hallowe’en and Firework Safety Talks
    We’ve had a firefighter in school to talk to the children about being safe when in their Hallowe’en costumes and when the children are near pumpkins with a lit candle in.  He also spoke about being safe with fireworks and sparklers.  The children have been taught about STOP, DROP and ROLL.  In fact the early years children were very good at shouting this rule.


    Free School Meal checking service
    The following link allows anyone to check and find out if they’re eligible for free school meals for their child.  If a child is eligible, the school receives extra funding.  Please take a moment to see if you are eligible by using this link .  It will let you and us know straight away if you qualify for Free School Meals.


    Have a wonderful half term everyone.  I hope you enjoy some ‘time off’.  We look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 5th November.  Monday 4th November is a staff training day so school and Small & Tall are closed.


    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer




    Upcoming events

    October half term

    28.10.24 - 01.11.24


    INSET - school and S&T closed



    School immunisations - flu (Rec-Year 6)


    All morning/day

    Children in Need


    All day

    Learning with your child - parents get the chance to take part in a learning activity with their child.  This will be organised by the class teacher.

    Week beginning 18.11.24

    TBC by class teacher

    World of Work Week for Yr 6


    All week

    Parents’ evenings



    3:30 - 6:30pm

    3:30 - 6:30pm

    Non-uniform for chocolate bingo


    All day

    Early Years Christmas Play



    Chocolate Bingo



    Church visit - Christmas



    KS2 New Vic Theatre trip



    Grandparents’ Christmas Dinner



    11:45am onwards

    KS1 Christmas Play

    17.12.24 - Yr 1

    18.12.24 - Yr 2



    Christmas holidays

    23.12.24 - 3.01.25

    Back to school 7.01.25

    INSET - school and S&T closed


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  • Newsletter ~ December Week Three

    Published 18/10/24

    Dear Families,


    Well, we’ve finally reached the end of the fun-filled, jam-packed Christmas period in school.  All of the children watched a play either at school or at the theatre.  A beautiful carol concert at St Giles’ church was just what we needed to get that Christmas cheer flowing.  Parties have taken place with lots of laughter and fun.  The Christmas plays were amazing with lovely singing and many smiling faces (and just a few tearful parents).   The team treat was an added bonus for team Northern Ireland.  Grandparents were well and truly fed and watered, many of them feeling slightly unwanted at the end of the meal as their grandchildren whizzed off to play with their friends.  And to top it all, Santa visited the children yesterday (thanks to the PTA).

    A huge thank you from me to you for supporting the children, the school and the PTA.  It’s been such an exciting half-term for the children.  Some of them look absolutely shattered and all of them are ready for the Christmas break.


    I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and peaceful New Year.  I hope you manage to spend some special time with your family and friends.  And I hope you all take some time for yourselves too.


    Take care and stay safe.  I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 7th January 2025.


    Mrs Wilmer and the team at Friarswood


    Upcoming events

    Christmas holidays

    23.12.24 - 3.01.25

    Back to school 7.01.25

    INSET - school and S&T closed



    Year 6 - Stanley Head residential


    Mon - Wed

    Young Voices - Choir



    Valentine’s Disco


    EYrs & KS1 4:30

    KS2 5:30


    Read More
  • Newsletter ~ December Week Two

    Published 18/10/24


    Dear Families,

    What a busy week it’s been. Next week will be busy too, so please keep an eye on your Dojo messages.


    Early Years Nativity
    This was brilliant.  The children sang and acted beautifully. It takes a lot of courage to stand on the stage in front of so many adults. Lots of happy faces and a few tears were shed too.  It was great to see so many adults who came to watch.  Thank you.


    Carol Concert

    What a lovely event to help get everyone in the Christmas spirit.  The musicians were enthusiastic and the choir was amazing.  A special well done to Nora, who played the piano and sang on her own.  What amazing talent this young lady has.

    Thank you to Mrs Elkin and Mrs Harris for arranging this.


    KS2 Theatre trip
    We had such a lovely time at the theatre on Wednesday watching The Three Musketeers.  The children loved it.  Lots of laughing and guessing where the actors were going to come from.  The sword fights were brilliant and the dancing got us all clapping. 


    EYs and KS1 Visit from Arty-Fact Theatre Company
    On Thursday, Arty-Fact Theatre Company visited us to perform their Christmas production of Oliver Twist. The children were enthralled with the humour, interaction, acting, puppetry, singing and dancing. We all had a lovely morning and the actors commented on what a perfect audience the children were!


    Bikeability for Years 3 & 4
    The children had a very exciting time riding their bikes.  Some children showed off their super bike riding skills whilst some built up their confidence.  The instructors were really impressed with all of the children and how much progress they made in the training session. 


    Autism Workshop for parents
    It was lovely to see some parents at the workshop.  Lots of support and advice was given, which I hope helps you.


    Grandparent’s Christmas Dinners
    You will have been sent a Dojo message from your teachers about the time and day.  If you have not heard anything, please get in touch.


    Gifts for families in need
    You will have seen this week that we have had lots of gifts donated for children in need.  If you know anyone who may benefit from this generosity, please get in touch.


    October half-term 2025
    Some of you may remember that we sent a survey out to families to gather views about having a 2 week October half-term.  We also sent this survey to the staff.

    Having discussed the results with the CEO and the Regional Director of the Trust as well as with the Governors, we have decided to trial the 2 week October half-term next academic year. The dates for next year will be as follows (there will be 4 more INSET to be included in this) :

    Autumn Term 2025
    Inset day: Monday 1 September
    Term Starts: Tuesday 2 September
    Holiday: Monday 20 October – Friday 31 October
    Term Ends: Friday 19 December
    Holiday: Monday 22 December – Friday 2 January

    Spring Term 2026
    Term Starts: Monday 5 January
    Holiday: Monday 16 February – Friday 20 February
    Term Ends: Friday 27 March
    Holiday: Monday 30 March – Friday 10 April

    Summer Term 2026
    Term Starts: Monday 13 April
    May Day: Monday 4 May
    Holiday: Monday 25 May – Friday 29 May
    Term Ends: Monday 27 July
    Holiday: Tuesday 28 July  – Monday 31 August

    We hope that by sending the dates now you will be able to think about childcare for those of you who may need it.  For the many of you who asked about holidays, now that it’s official, holidays taken in this time won’t impact on school, therefore won’t be classed as unauthorised. 

    Next year, we will send another survey to find out how the new dates went for you and whether this is something we do as a permanent way forward.


    Have a lovely weekend.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer



    Upcoming Events

    Grandparents’ Christmas Dinner



    11:45am onwards

    KS1 Christmas Play

    17.12.24 - Yr 1

    18.12.24 - Yr 2



    Christmas holidays

    23.12.24 - 3.01.25

    Back to school 7.01.25

    INSET - school and S&T closed



    Year 6 - Stanley Head residential


    Mon - Wed

    Young Voices - Choir


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  • Newsletter ~ December Week One

    Published 18/10/24

    Dear Families,


    Co-op Academies Trust Recognition Awards
    Last Friday was a very special evening for our choir and for some of our staff.  The choir along with Mrs Elkin had everyone on their feet joining in with the singing.  I’m thrilled to let you know that our Early Years Team won the ‘Succeed Together’ award.  It’s great to know that other people see how fantastic this team is and not just the staff at Friarswood.  They put so much effort into making the early years experience so special, ensuring that the start of school life at Friarswood is the best it could possibly be.  I’m so proud of the team and the choir.   You’ll find lots of photos on X and Facebook.


    We had a lockdown practice yesterday.  I know it’s very sad that we have to do this but we want all children to know how to be safe.  All of the teachers spoke to the children about why we have these practices and how important they are.  All of the children behaved perfectly and stayed very quiet until they were ‘safe’ to get back to normal.

    Should the ‘real’ thing happen, we have a set of procedures which we will follow to keep everyone inside of the school safe and to help everyone outside of school to remain safe too.  

    We will only alert parents when we are told to do so by the authorities/police.  

    We will only answer the phone when we are told to do so.

    We will only let parents into the grounds when we are told to do so.

    Should we need to evacuate to a ‘safe place’, we will use The Coppice.  (They will use our school should they ever need a ‘safe place’).

    Ongoing Information about what is happening will be sent to you as soon as possible.

    Again, our main aim will be to keep everyone as safe as possible.


    Chocolate Bingo
    Another successful bingo was held on Wednesday evening.  Lots of fun was had by so many of you who came to support this fundraising event, it raised an amazing £1075! Thank you to everyone who came along and donated.


    Church Visit
    Don’t forget on Monday that the whole school will be visiting St Andrew’s church for the Christmas concert.  Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing and footwear.  

    Christmas Presents
    If you know of a family or an individual that are having a tough time at the moment, please message me, Mrs Hughes or Mrs Bebbington, via Dojo or drop an email, as we have our community team who have worked wonders in helping to make sure that no one goes without this Christmas. 


    The next 2 weeks are very busy.  Please keep an eye out for Dojo messages so that you can keep up to date with everything.  The festive feeling is definitely in full flow at Friarswood.


    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer



    Early Years Christmas Play



    Chocolate Bingo



    Church visit - Christmas



    KS2 New Vic Theatre trip



    Grandparents’ Christmas Dinner



    11:45am onwards

    KS1 Christmas Play

    17.12.24 - Yr 1

    18.12.24 - Yr 2



    Christmas holidays

    23.12.24 - 3.01.25

    Back to school 7.01.25

    INSET - school and S&T closed





    Read More
  • Newsletter ~ November Week Four

    Published 18/10/24


    Dear Families,

    It’s been a very exciting week for the children playing in the snow.  Lots of fun and happy faces although it’s been so cold.  We’ve had lots of stray gloves which have hopefully all found their way back to their owner.  Some children have borrowed clothes from the uniform swap shop so that they could play outside.  Due to the very cold temperatures, some children have stayed inside if they haven’t had appropriate footwear or clothing.  Please do make sure that children are dressed ready for the freezing weather. 


    New Parents open mornings
    We have so many parents attending these mornings.  Many have said that our families have pointed them in our direction - so thank you to everyone for passing on our details.


    I know many of your children play on Roblox.  I have been sent this information through which I thought you may find useful.


    Roblox Tightens Safety Measures


    Roblox, one of the most popular games around the world, has been under a lot of fire lately for a whole host of reasons, such as highly inappropriate games accessible to young children, questionable moderation, significant grooming concerns and more.


    At its most basic, Roblox is a platform where any user can create games and one of the biggest concerns is that none of these user-generated games have required an age rating system. That's about to change, from mid-December creators will have to content-rate their games. Whilst a positive step it still raises lots of questions, such as:

    • Is anyone checking these ratings?

    • What about games prior to mid-December?

    • Will there be enhanced moderation?

    • and more.

    It's a positive step forward but much more needs to be done by Roblox and other platforms to help parents with keeping their children safe. You can read more about the concerns and the steps which Roblox are taking HERE.


    Recognition Evening
    Every year, Co-op Academies Trust asks all colleagues to vote for other colleagues who have gone the extra mile, above and beyond their job role.  Over the years we have had several staff nominated and shortlisted for various awards.  Mrs Rafferty has been nominated for her ongoing development of English across the school and Mrs Dean has been nominated for her support with our families.  Mrs Elkin won an award last year for her continual dedication and passion to music, helping to inspire lots of children.  The previous two years, Mrs Bebbington has won the community award for all of her hard work and dedication in supporting our families and the community.  

    This year, our early years team has been nominated and earlier this week we found out that they have been shortlisted.  On Friday 29th November we get to find out the reasons for the shortlisting and to find out if they’ve won an award.  Whatever the reason, we are so extremely proud of the Early Years team as they have worked so hard to ensure that the learning and environment is outstanding for our younger children.  I’ll keep you posted. 


    Grandparent’s Christmas Dinner
    Just a reminder that if Grandparents wish to join us for the Christmas lunch, please complete the form and payment.  Last day to do this is Friday 29th November.


    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer




    Upcoming events

    World of Work Week for Yr 6


    All week

    Parents’ evenings



    3:30 - 6:30pm

    3:30 - 6:30pm

    Non-uniform for chocolate bingo


    All day

    Early Years Christmas Play



    Chocolate Bingo



    Church visit - Christmas



    KS2 New Vic Theatre trip



    Grandparents’ Christmas Dinner



    11:45am onwards

    KS1 Christmas Play

    17.12.24 - Yr 1

    18.12.24 - Yr 2



    Christmas holidays

    23.12.24 - 3.01.25

    Back to school 7.01.25

    INSET - school and S&T closed


    Read More

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