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Newsletter - February Week Two

Dear Parents and Carers


Another successful half term completed - it may have been short but it’s been packed with lots of learning, trips, visitors and fun. Reading back through the newsletters made me realise what a fabulous time we have here at Friarswood! Have a great half term week everyone.


This week the Year 5 and 6 football team played 2 league matches. They won the first 3-0 and drew the second in a close 1-1 match. We are currently 2nd in the league with a game in hand - everything to play for in an exciting run up to the end of season! Well done to Stanley, William, Seb, Albert, Teddy, Sam, Henry, Leo and Jack.


Valentine Disco
Great fun was had at the end of term disco on Wednesday - it was lovely to see so many children enjoying time with their friends dressed in their best disco outfits! Thanks to your support and the hard work of the PTA we raised an amazing £471 towards the funds which help us to pay for those nice extras and subsidise trips for the children. Our next event will be the Easter Chocolate Bingo on the 20th March - I look forward to seeing you there!


Police Visit
Yesterday KS1 had a surprise visit from two firearms officers.

The children learnt about becoming a police officer, they looked at all of the equipment, tried out the handcuffs and shields and then got to see an unmarked police car. The children had lots of fun, asked really thoughtful questions. Thank you to Mrs Harris for organising the visit for us.


Children’s Mental Health Week
Redan publishing (creators of magazines like Hey Duggee) have collaborated with Co-op on creative mental health wellbeing workshops for Foundation Stage children to coincide with Children's mental health week. On Tuesday, staff from Redan came into school to work with our Nursery and Reception children using the materials they have developed. The children had an amazing time and the visitors have emailed me to comment on what a lovely atmosphere the school had, how warm and welcoming the staff were, and how bright, happy, and engaged the children are. It’s always so lovely to hear other people confirming what I already know : )


Safer Internet Day - Inspiring Change
Tuesday was safer internet day. On Monday I delivered an assembly about how to handle changes online - things that look different than normal. The children had some very mature outlooks on change and recognised that change can be a good thing but sometimes it’s not. They all used the phrase trusted adult without prompting which was great to hear as we do lots of work on this throughout the year.

Our attendance this week has been 95.9%. A strong end to the term - well done!.


Upcoming events

February Half Term

12.2.24 -16.2.24

Back to school on Monday 19th February

Mother's Day Lunch



World Book Day 



Non-uniform for chocolate bingo



Celebration of Learning



Chocolate Bingo



Easter Holidays

25.3.24 - 5.4.24



Ms Hartley