Newsletter - January Week Four

Dear Families,
The Trust has put some information together to clarify the role and responsibilities of what we used to call Governors. There has been a change to the structure in all schools of the Co-op Academy Trust. Each school / academy will have an Academy Community Council (ACC). The members of this are called Community Council Members (CCM).
What does an ACC do?
As part of our local governance team, as a CCM, you will:
•Support academy planning and key strategic priorities.
•Champion student and staff wellbeing, and promote positive behaviour and attendance.
•Strengthen links between the school and the local community.
•Monitor outcomes for vulnerable groups and ensure policies translate into practice.
•Help shape career opportunities for students.
•Promote Co-op values within the academy.
GoIT - Year 6
On Wednesday, a group of three Year 6 children went to Manchester to present their A.I. eco project in front of a team of judges. Lots of other Co-op Academy primary schools were there too, all competing for a place in the national finals. Although the girls didn’t win, they were so confident with their presentation. They had lots of positive feedback recognising their efforts and forward-thinking, as well as a huge round of applause. Myself and Mrs Bebbington were so proud of them. Well done to Emyllia, Ava and Francesca.
Young Voices
The choir had a wonderful day yesterday at the Young Voices concert in Birmingham. Many schools were there to perform in the concert. The excitement was palpable. Our children were incredible, singing their hearts out. My ears are still ringing today from the volume of over 5000 children singing (and screaming)!
A massive thank you to Mrs Elkin, our music lead, for organising this and making it happen. Her enthusiasm and dedication to music across the school is incredible, always ensuring the children have lots of opportunities to take part in musical events. Also, a huge thank you to Mrs Dickens and Miss Smith for supporting in all of the rehearsals and arrangements.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Wilmer
Happy Birthday
This weekend Mrs Wilmer is celebrating a very special birthday - the school council surprised her this morning with some beautiful flowers off us all and a special rendition of "Happy Birthday".
Happy Birthday, Mrs Wilmer - enjoy your weekend!
Upcoming events
Children's Mental Health Week | 3.2.25 |
Reception trip | 3.2.25 | Reception class visiting Morrisons for Food around the world. |
Walk and Talk 3.20 - 4.30 pm | 5.2.25 | Join our Academy Community Pioneer for a local walk in The Three Parks looking for the new growth of spring. Everyone welcome! |
Time to Talk Day |
6.2.25 |
Parents Coffee and Chat time 2–2.45 PM
Young Voices Choir Singalong 2.45 PM | 6.2.25 |
Come and join us for the Young Voices live sing-along
Yr 6 Manchester Spelling Bee | 7.2.25 | A group of Year 6 children are going to Manchester for a ‘Spelling Bee’ competition. |
Safer Internet Day | 11.2.25 | |
Valentine’s Disco |
13.2.25 |
EYrs & KS1 4:30 KS2 5:30 |
February Half Term |
17.2.25 - 21.2.25 |
Back to school 24.2.25 |
World Book Day |
7.3.25 |