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News and Letters

November 2023

  • Newsletter - November Week 3

    Published 24/11/23

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    There’s a lot of excitement about the Christmas market later.  We hope to see as many of you here as possible.


    INSET day

    Friday February 9th is an INSET day due to staff training.  Small & Tall will be closed too.


    Online safety advice

    Parents - Xmas devices

    As Xmas is approaching many children and young people will be asking for new devices. It's important that parents think carefully about these devices and the parental features that are available. It's equally important parents think about what the device will be used for, e.g. an all-singing-all-dancing smartphone when it will only be used for messaging and the odd phone call, would a lesser phone be better?


    Internet Matters has put together a couple of really good guides for parents:

    How to choose the right phone for your child - HERE and

    Children's tech guide 2023 - which has guides on a huge range of tech from laptops to gaming consoles, smart TV's and much more. The guides can be found HERE.


    Safeguarding Audit

    On Wednesday, we had a Trust safeguarding audit.  The team was very thorough and asked the children and staff lots of questions.  I believe that some parents met some of the team too.  I’m thrilled to tell you that the day was a success.  It is very evident in school that safeguarding is important to everyone.  Every child they spoke to, knew what to do if something happened.  They knew that any adult in school was a trusted adult.  Many knew the childline number and all of them knew that it was better to talk to a trusted adult than keep something bottled up inside of them.

    On a personal note, I’m so pleased that the information I send about online safety helps at home along with the various other updates that I send you.


    Don’t forget that from Monday, I’ll be ‘out of action’.  For any problems please contact your class teacher.  For more urgent issues please contact Mrs Dean or Mrs Hartley.  As I won’t be in school, if you have any safeguarding worries about a child, please contact Mrs Hartley or the Staffordshire Safeguarding Board on 0300 111 8007.


    Thank you for your continued support and especially your kind words this week.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Mrs Wilmer

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  • Newsletter - November Week 2

    Published 17/11/23

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    Thank you so much for your generous donations today for Children in Need.  You raised a massive £162 which will definitely help to make a difference to a child’s life.


    Parking on Abbots Way 

    We’re receiving lots of complaints about families parking on the yellow lines as well as families running their engines whilst waiting for the children to get to their cars.

    The yellow lines are there for the safety of our children and families.  I know you all know this but unfortunately there are a growing amount of people ignoring this.  Parents are reporting these vehicles to the police as this is a major concern.

    Running engines whilst waiting means you’re filling the air full of emissions that our children and families have to walk through.

    And one last issue that seems to be happening (which is so unsafe and thoughtless) is people driving along pavements when trying to park.  Children have had to be pulled out of the way of cars when they should be safe on the pavement.

    PLEASE consider the safety of our children when parking.  

    Please can you pass this message onto grandparents and any other person who parks on Abbots Way)


    Safeguarding - Internet Safety advisor regarding WhatsApp

    Always helpful to have a reminder about parent controls for WhatsApp as quite a few children at school have said that they use this site (which is rated as 16+)

    Parents Guide to WhatsApp

    As one of the most popular messaging apps used by all age ranges and around 2.7 billion monthly users, WhatsApp has been adding new features over the last year or so which some parents may not be aware of so it might be worth sending a reminder out to them. Internet Matters have put together a really good 'how-to' guide for parents which you can access HERE.

    If there are any sites that you would like me to find information about, please just let me know.  However, has lots of really useful information with easy to read articles about how you as parents can help to keep your children safe on various sites/apps.  


    Santa’s Letters

    You will receive a message when the letters are ready to be collected from the main office.


    Grandparents Christmas lunch.

    We can now start to take bookings for our Grandparents' Christmas lunch. The booking form is HERE


    Coats, hats, scarves & gloves

    Please can I ask that you send your child in with a coat and other winter warmers.  The weather is getting really cold now and a lot of children are very cold at playtimes and lunchtimes.

    Can I also remind you to label ….. everything!!  Thank you


    Mental Health Workshops

    On Wednesday, Years 3 and 4 had their own workshops focusing on their own mental health and how to look after themselves.  The children were really focused and learnt so much.  Lots of ideas and activities were spoken about and tried out.

    Thank you to Maccas Project for enabling our children to look after themselves.


    Glow - relationships without Fear

    Years 4, 5 and 6 have started their workshops with Glow.  Glow is a charity that works with families focusing on healthy relationships.  Last year these workshops were very successful so we’re thrilled to be able to get the team back into our school. 


    Christmas Market

    Don’t forget that Friday 24th November is our Christmas Market, starting at 5pm (til 7pm)  Come along, join in the fun, find a few Christmas gifts and get into that Christmassy feeling.


    Last but not least, the button for the main gate has now been fixed. You are now free to come and go as you please and no more trapped parents!! Thank you for your patience with this.

    Thank you as ever for your continued support.


    Have a lovely weekend.

    Take care and stay safe

    Mrs Wilmer

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  • Newsletter - November Week 1

    Published 10/11/23
    Dear Parents / Carers, It’s been a very busy first week back.  Thank you to everyone for remembering to bring in bottles today ready for the Christmas Market on Friday 24th November.   Children in Need Next Friday is Childre
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November 2023