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The Academy Day

Our school session times are:

Nursery (15 hours)
8:45am to 11:45am

Wraparound (30 hours)
11.45am to 3.15p.m

8:40am to 3:20pm. Classroom doors open at 8:40am so that children can come straight into school.

Official start time is 8.50am

8:40am to 3:20pm. There is a member of staff on duty at the front entrance from 8:40am.

Official start time is 8.50am

Morning break
10:30 – 10:45am

KS1 – 11:50 – 12.50pm
KS2 – 12:00 – 1pm

Afternoon break
There is an afternoon break for 5 minutes at a suitable time.

Total time in a typical week is 6.5 hours per day / 32.5 hours per week