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Uniform shows that we are in a community. Wearing it says we’re all in this together.

We encourage students to take pride in themselves and their appearance at all times. Our uniform prepares students for the world of work; is practical and smart and helps our students develop a sense of belonging in our academy community.

Nursery and KS1 

  • grey trousers
  • grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • pale blue polo shirt
  • burgundy cardigan/jumper with school logo
  • grey or white socks / grey tights

All clothing listed does not need to have the school logo on.


  • grey trousers or skirt
  • pale blue shirt
  • school tie
  • burgundy cardigan/jumper with school logo
  • grey shorts or blue gingham dresses can be worn in the Summer.
  • grey or white socks / grey tights

All clothing listed does not need to have the school logo on.

For safety, all children should wear black school shoes but not sandals or trainers.  Only small stud earrings and watches are allowed.   No jewellery is allowed for PE lessons including swimming lessons.  Long hair should always be tied back.  No extreme haircuts are allowed. We want our children to look smart  and presentable at all times.


  • black shorts
  • house colour t-shirt
  • black pumps / trainers
  • navy / black tracksuit for outdoor PE (no logos or hoodies).
  • black PE sweatshirt (school logo sweatshirt or plain black)

All clothing listed does not need to have the school logo on.

Uniform Exchange

We also have a Uniform exchange here at Co-op Academy Friarswood. It is a great way of recycling any uniform that your child has grown out of. All we ask is that you donate any unused uniform back to us. We have had lots of generous donations. Please come along and see if we have your child’s size, we have items from Nursery age all the way upto Year 6. The Uniform Exchange can be found at the Junior entrance/exit at the beginning and end of the day.

Clothes for Outdoor Learning Activities

Within the Nursery and Reception classes, the curriculum includes learning experiences and activities both indoors and outdoors. For these activities, the children need to have suitable outdoor clothing.

  • Coat/jacket (preferably with a hood)
  • Wellies (to remain at school)
  • Sun hat and sun cream(for warmer weather)

We would be extremely grateful if your child could bring a hooded coat EVERY DAY even if the weather seems to be sunny.

All clothing/shoes should be labelled with your child’s full name.

Where can I get school uniform?

School uniform can be bought from Smart School Uniforms.

Address: Harvey House, Hassell St, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle ST5 1AR.